Dear Past Me, On the Profound Journey of Motherhood

Dear Past Me, On the Profound Journey of Motherhood

Hey there, pre-mom me! It is you, but a whole lot older, wiser (hopefully), sleep-deprived (but happy!), and overflowing with a love you never knew existed. Today, I want to take you on a little trip – a journey through motherhood. Mother! That word you once tossed around with a mix of excitement and trepidation has become your reality, and it is an amazing, messy, beautiful adventure unlike anything you could have ever imagined.

Remember all those dreams you had? The career aspirations, the travel plans, the carefree weekends? They have not vanished, but they have been beautifully reshaped. Motherhood adds a whole new dimension to life, a dimension filled with sticky fingers, endless giggles, and a love so fierce it takes your breath away.

There will be days, oh so many days, where you will question your sanity. The sleepless nights are real, the exhaustion is bone-deep, and your patience gets stretched thin at times. But amidst the chaos, a love bloomed that fills your heart to bursting. It is a fierce, unconditional love that makes you understand why mothers would move mountains for their children.

All those worries you harbored – “Will I be a good mom?” “Can I handle the responsibility?” Let me assure you, those anxieties melt away when you hold your newborn for the first time. This tiny person, completely dependent on you, awakens a primal instinct that kicks in and guides you. It is not always perfect, but your love for them is the compass that will navigate you through the unknown.

The first gummy grin, the wobbly steps towards you, the whispered “I love you” – these moments will fill your heart with a joy you never thought possible. You will witness a love that transcends everything, a love that makes you want to be the best version of yourself for this tiny human who relies on you completely.

There will be challenges, of course. The “terrible twos” will test your limits, the endless stream of questions will leave you feeling like a walking encyclopedia, and the constant decision-making will make your head spin. But alongside the challenges come moments of pure, unadulterated joy.

Here is a secret: motherhood is not about achieving perfection. It is about showing up, even when you feel depleted. It is about messy cuddles on the couch, bedtime stories read with silly voices, and the occasional (okay, frequent) meltdowns – yours and theirs. It is about embracing the journey, with all its imperfections and triumphs.

There will be days when you yearn for your pre-mom life. You might miss quiet mornings with a steaming cup of tea, or evenings spent lost in a good book. But here is the thing: motherhood does not erase your old life; it transforms it. You learn to find joy in the little things – a shared laugh at dinnertime, a hand-drawn masterpiece proudly presented as a gift, a moment of quiet snuggle before bedtime. These tiny moments become your new treasures.

Most importantly, motherhood teaches you about yourself. You discover a strength you never knew you possessed, a resilience that allows you to weather any storm. You learn to prioritize, to multitask like a champion, and to find humor even in the most chaotic situations. You become more patient, more compassionate, and infinitely more in love.

So, dear pre-mom me, do not be afraid of motherhood. It is a rollercoaster ride, yes, but it is the most rewarding one you will ever embark on. Embrace the mess, the challenges, and the overwhelming love. Soak up every moment, even the sleep-deprived ones. Because before you know it, those tiny humans will be all grown up, and you will be reminiscing about the days you craved a full night’s sleep, wishing you could hold them close just one more time.

With love and anticipation for your beautiful journey,

Your Future Mom Self


  1. Satarupa

    Such a nice read …. ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  2. Shaareen serioux

    So well said. So accurate and absolutely amazing!!

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